Provide financial support to a family for their daughter’s marriage
Be a part of a solemn occasion
India has begun to re-start its economic activities following months of nationwide lockdown. The temporary shutdown has already proved hard on multiple fronts. The unemployment rate has soared high, and the loss of livelihoods has undoubtedly increased the challenges of the marginalized families. In a scenario like this while the head of the family is trying hard to make ends meet, he also needs to take care of responsibilities like the marriage of his daughter. Amid a crisis situation, when the family is struggling for mere survival, the expense of a wedding ceremony adds to the burden. The parents run from pillar to post arranging for the finances to get their daughter married. Under the Marriage Assistance Scheme of Vipra Care, we provide financial help of INR 21,000 to such families so that they can proceed with the marriage of their daughters. In order to apply and avail benefits of this scheme, the family has to provide supporting documents like a wedding card and a duly filled up application form with the name, signature and contact no of the Zonal authority that will validate the scheduled marriage date of the girl.