Help children to chase their dream
Support education and aspirations of children
The pandemic Covid 19 has resulted in leaving a lot of people jobless. Though a number of schemes are run by the Government and a lot of NGOs are also participating actively in trying to fulfill the basic requirement of providing food to the hard hit families but not much has been done to cater to the financial need in the field of education. In this dire circumstance, in spite of the educational institutions being shut down, parents are left with no other option than to pay the fees of their children as the online classes are on. It becomes more important now than ever to provide educational assistance to such families with school going children so that their children do not have to leave their education midway due to lack of funds. On humanitarian grounds, it becomes mandatory for everyone to do as much as possible for such children who are on the verge of being defaulters in paying the education fees. Vipra Foundation is funding the education of 70 students at Shree Agradevacharya Varishth Upadhyay Sanskrit Vidyalaya , Rewasa since April 2020. Under the Vaidya pt Ramnarayan Sharma Vipra Higher Education collaboration Scheme the desirous students are provided upto Rs 200000 ( two Laks only) as interest free educational assistance which they refund after completion of their course. The refunded amount helps the organization in supporting other such students who are in need so that their dream of a flourishing career is not shattered. The scheme was initially under Vipra Foundation which has now been moved to Vipra Care .